Why do I believe heaven is the feeling of Love more than a place, a piece of real estate in the sky? I wrote this because I was asked my thoughts about Edgar Cayce alluding to the idea that we go to Arcturus after we die.
I love questions like that because they make me think and they help me solidify what I believe, at least at that moment.
So I said…
Hmmm Linda, that’s something I wonder about. Edgar Cayce gave helpful and accurate information in many of his readings so I’m interested in how he did that. I’m usually interested in hearing what others have to say. But I do have some thoughts because of what I experienced.
Generally, I think more about the feeling of where I was than where it was in physical location. That’s the same way I relate to everything. It doesn’t really matter where you are because it is the feeling you have while there that makes all the difference.
You always remember how something made you feel.
What I can’t forget is how it felt when I had to re-experience my negative emotions as I watched my life review. It wasn’t a pretty sight or pleasant feeling. So my focus is on eliminating destructive emotions and increasing my capacity to feel Love in my heart. I strive to get back to that amazing “place” by feeling it with my heart.
I spend as much time as possible in the “Love” state – an actual feeling in my heart. I’ve had some pretty amazing experiences because I’ve developed the ability to create a sensation in my heart whenever I want to. Some of my experiences are of my own self-healing and some of them are things that have happened with my coaching clients that are all around the world.
They share similar beliefs with me and have an understanding about the formula I teach about and use as a way of life. It’s all about being consciously aware of what we are creating because of how we think, feel and see life.
Feelings are an important side of the triangle and the other 2 are what is going on with your right and left sides of the brain. I create that feeling in my heart a lot and create an intention that it goes to the person I’m focused on to help or support them or help them heal.
It’s incredible how many times someone will contact me and say they just knew I was doing something. It just happened with a guy in the UK and he emailed me because he just had to let me know about the physical sensation of Love that came over him and he knew I was involved somehow.
It was so profound to both of us that I asked him if I could record our conversation and share it. It’s in this video. You can skip to 2:30 if you’d like to hear Rolf explain things from his point of view.
I share this not to show what I can do but to emphasize what I believe we are all meant to do for each other.
Clear negative emotions and resonate Love to those we care about. Everyone on the planet benefits, especially you. Your cells love the vibration of Love and respond by giving you better health and energy.
That to me is the state of “heaven” and I think we are meant to experience it wherever we are. I strongly believe we take ourselves with us, wherever we go after our body dies, and that your capacity to love others is what determines things on the other side.
I don’t know how it all works in detail, but I had the strongest sensation that I had to come back and learn how to truly love others so that I could one day stay in that blissful state where I was when I was in that place of the White Light and Love.
Anyone can do what I do and I have a free “White Light Meditation” I made to help others develop that ability. It’s in a story in my free ebook you can sign up for on my website. The story in the ebook is called “They Really Hated Me.” It was a life-changing experience that taught me how powerful and connected we all really are.