Today’s success coaching tip is to emphasize that it is imperative to work on goals from a state of coherence, not anxiety or stress.
HeartMath Institute is offering a free De-Stress kit. (Click image to download it.)
You should not think about your goals from a state of anxiety. Your brain makes associations and you don’t want to have fear and anxiety associated with the images that represent your goal to you. I never allow thoughts of my goal to be on my mind unless I am in charge of my emotions and feeling good physically about what I am thinking about. Sometimes I might catch myself thinking about it and and feeling negative about it or doubtful, but I quickly sweep those thoughts out of my mind and change my focus. Then I know I have some work to do on changing my belief or expectations regarding my goal. Sometimes that can be done by being more aware of what you allow in your mind and consciously creating what you desire. Sometimes you have to go deeper and look for the programming that causes fear reactions if you don’t seem to be getting anywhere from the effort you are putting into accomplishing your goal.
The first step to working on goals when I have set aside time to sit down and go into my mental workshop, is to get relaxed and slow my brainwaves down. That can take some practice but there are tools that can help you de-stress and this kit is one of them.
Below is a video from HeartMath asking everyone to share this kit.