Gregg Braden explains why manifesting has more to do with your feelings than anything else. There is a great deal of research from HeartMath Institute that now shows what ancient civilizations have always known and practiced. Unfortunately, many people in the west continue to ignore this ancient wisdom and do things the hard way.
In analyzing some of my most miraculous seeming results over the years, every one of them happened when I was able to feel the experience as if it was my reality “now,” not by imagining it was going to happen. I felt what I was observing in my mind.
The real problem with that is that we have strong emotions about what we are experiencing that we want to change. So we continue you to feed that vibration into our reality. We get pulled into the pain of what our experiences or memories cause. It is a physical reaction that happens automatically when certain things get triggered. There are many conscious and subconscious reasons for that. Sometimes you have no idea consciously, why it happens.
That is why the work I do with clients is so powerful and life-changing. We find the energy that is causing that reaction and then dissipate it. Many times creating a new reality requires that you do what I call, “The Manifesting Dance.” You simply have to learn to sway back and forth with those goals, including goals related to health issues, where things aren’t happening easily. You have to sway between clearing the old and creating the new until you are able to shift out of that old vibration and stay in the new one. That is when your life changes dramatically.
It works well to create as long as you can maintain the feeling that you are living it now. When you lose it and fear or doubt creeps in, you have to find the memory, belief, perception or experience that is pulling you out of the vibration you want to maintain.
You should constantly be asking what you are feeding the field of energy surrounding you because of what you are feeling. Do you want more of those feelings or less of them coming into your world?