Images From The Strawberry Story Can Be a Good Reminder
I’m pretty sure “The Strawberry Story” began in June 1999. My Mom was visiting for a week and we had gone out for dinner. She was just about to step through the restaurant door as a young couple started making a scene. Although my Mom is normally a very loving person, she got pretty upset and critical. (Sign up if you’d like my Free eBook with this story and many more, White Light Meditation MP3 and free training announcements —->)
I know how stress chemicals affect health and I’m also a firm believer in the power of thoughts and the impact they can have. But I also knew it wouldn’t help if I said something at the time. So I bit my tongue and wondered how I could show her tangible proof that thoughts are things and that they affect us in the physical realm. I had seen ample evidence of this over the years in my own life. By then, I had spent a lot of time experimenting with my thoughts.
Way too often to ignore, I had seen things show up that had to have happened because of my focused mental energy. Many times I did nothing more than create an intention and then visualized the results I wanted until it came to the point of feeling as if it had already happened. I lived it in my mind as if it was my reality in real life, and opportunities would come along out of the blue that made it so. Seems crazy but I couldn’t deny it or explain it. I just know it happened repeatedly.
After a while, I came to accept that we are all born with amazing abilities. We use them every day but unfortunately, on autopilot, without purpose or focus. And we impact life without giving any thought to what we are doing. An active and uncontrolled mind that flits around with no sense of direction, focused on life as it is, will never actually see the changes it sometimes dreams about. The power that could come from focused thoughts is spread thin by its haphazard use. But with a little practice, skills can be developed that focus your energy at a target.
Now back to 1999 and The Strawberry Story…
While eating dinner, Mom was still focused on what had happened earlier and I couldn’t stop thinking about how harmful it is to be stuck thinking about something negative. I think we’ve all been there and I wanted to find a way to help. My mind kept going over insight and knowledge I had gained over the years from my own experiences. A plan began to form; the strawberry story was in the making.
I had learned that different emotions like joy or sadness cause tears to have a different chemical makeup. When I learned that a scientist can test the chemical makeup of a tear and then tell you if your tears came because of feelings of joy or sadness, it screamed a message to me that made a lasting impression.
So I wondered if I could project my emotions from my thoughts strongly enough to create “love water” and “fear water” that could be absorbed by something like strawberries. I had just bought a fresh package of big juicy red ones that were in my refrigerator.
Could the healing power of love be absorbed by a strawberry to slow its deterioration?
Could the destructive power of fear be absorbed by a strawberry to hasten its deterioration? Those answers were about to become the strawberry story.
By that time in my life, I had read everything I could get my hands on that I thought might help me understand more about the NDE I had during a car wreck. More on that later but my mind was pretty open after that shock and I was very interested in what goes on with the mind and brain.
I had experienced enough successes with my goals—some seemingly miraculous—to KNOW that thoughts are powerful. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, I believed that we can make a difference and that it happens through the vision held in the mind’s eye, beliefs about it and the thoughts and emotions experienced over it.
And when thoughts are negative, the energy they create is very destructive and limiting. (As shown in the strawberry story images below)
So I made a deal with Mom. If I could show her the effect of negative thinking in a form that she could actually see, she would try to curtail her negative thoughts and not let them run rampant once she noticed them. It made sense to her that if negativity can impact a strawberry, it probably has an impact on her body’s cells too.
I know she used to humor me and thought most of what I believed was pretty nutty but she has since changed her tune a little after seeing the results I get.
When we got home, the strawberry story began. I carefully selected two strawberries that were pretty close in ripeness and size and washed them. (The pictures I share in The Strawberry Story are just examples. Not being a professional, I didn’t have a tripod, some were blurry, taken at different distances and sometimes lighting changed. I am using the clearest pictures online and there is no way to prove any of this to someone who is determined to not believe it. Just try it for yourself if you can hold emotions of Love and fear.)
Next I prepared two glasses of water and marked one with a label that said “LOVE” and one that said “FEAR.”
There are two important points of The Strawberry Story. I held the water marked “LOVE” close to my heart and focused my thoughts on anything I could think of that would cause a physical feeling of love in my body. I was looking for a feeling of warmth from head to toe as if my heart was overflowing with the feeling of love. After about two minutes of thinking, feeling and imagining that feeling being transferred through my hands into the water, I stopped.
The other important point of The Strawberry Story: Next I held the water marked “FEAR” close to my heart and I thought of anything that had ever caused deep pain in my life. I allowed the thoughts to create strong feelings of anger, resentment and fear as I continued thinking about everything imaginable that would cause me to feel that way. I continued focusing on these thoughts, making sure they actually caused an intense feeling in my body that was similar to what I feel when I am terrified of something. After about two minutes of thinking, feeling and imagining that feeling being transferred through my hands into the water, I stopped.
I dropped one of the strawberries in the “LOVE” water and one in the “FEAR” water and allowed them to float for several hours. Then I removed them, rolled them on a paper towel to dry the excess water, being careful not to touch them, and then rolled them onto plates marked “LOVE” and “FEAR.” I set them aside, taking care that they were in similar environments with light, temperature, air flow etc.
About two days later, the strawberry story was taking shape. I called my Mom over and asked if she could see any difference. The look on her face was priceless.
More Examples for The Strawberry Story:
From that point on, when I wanted to help her stop the release of stress chemicals that were flooding through her body because she was upset about something, all I had to do was say, “The Strawberry Story” in a playful voice. I would hear “Oops” and then silence.
She had realized that destructive thoughts, words and feelings cause actual destruction, and she no longer wanted to use her energy in that way or allow the harm it was doing to the cells of her body. The ugliness of the fear strawberry made a deep impression on her just as it has with many others who have witnessed or done this demonstration for themselves.
When you develop the skill necessary to maintain focus with your thoughts, this will work for you, too. If you have the ability to stay focused for about two minutes on thoughts that evoke the desired feelings of either love (or any higher vibration feeling such as gratitude, appreciation, etc.) or fear (or any lower vibration feeling such as anger, resentment, etc.) and make a clear intention that the energy from your hands is going into the water, you should see an obvious difference in the rate of deterioration in your strawberries.
Give it an extra dose
You may not be able to generate strong feelings at first like I did in The Strawberry Story. Until you can, try giving it an extra dose of love or fear. As often as you would like, walk by and glare at the fear strawberry and say “I hate you” as you look at it. Think about something that makes you feel really good and then say “I love you” to the love strawberry. Just be sure to FEEL it, just like I did in the strawberry story. A half-hearted passing thought in your head doesn’t do it.
This should help you “get it” that a half-hearted passing thought about a goal you want to reach has minimal power also.
You can try variations of this demonstration by using other types of fruit; try it with plants and flowers or anything that rots in a relatively short span of time. I just happened to use strawberries that day with my mom because I already had them, they could withstand floating in water for a few hours, and they go bad quickly if not used.
Once you understand how powerful your thoughts are, you can use them to improve life in many ways. If you haven’t heard of the work of Masaru Emoto, you might be interested in the images in his book, “The Message from Water.” He has been able to photograph water crystals that show a marked difference when exposed to negative and positive influences. He believes we can clean the polluted water of the world and some of the work he has been doing shows amazing results.
These things should help you understand that your thoughts aren’t ineffective and don’t stay in within the privacy and confines of your head!
This graph shows the energy I created with my thoughts and memories for the demonstration. My thoughts caused the emotions I experienced as feelings in my body. Look at the physical impact my emotions had on the strawberries!
I hope The Strawberry Story has shown you that changes to your thoughts and beliefs create changes to your world!
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Topic: The Strawberry Story